De $49.99 por apenas $ 24,99 isso mesmo 50% de desconto.
Aproveitem e não percam essa oportunidade :
Veja como ele veste super bem e para o verão brasileiro cai como uma luva :)
Lindo e muito sexy o bikini branco irá deixar a mostra toda beleza e bronzeado das brasileiras..
E como mostra nas imagens acima para as mais ousadas use assim ou faça sua combinação perfeita afinal quem disse que bikini é só para ir a praia :). Natação, coquetéis e churrasco estão à sua espera! :)
almost mid-summer, and that hot and heavy sun is on its way! Any
plans for your summer vacation? Will you head out to the beach?
Sunbathing, swimming, cocktails and BBQ’s are waiting!!
A Bikini is a must-have piece at the beach. Aren't those same-style-different-color Bikinis getting old? Time for a suit that is all about you! Our totally different design— Sunny Spiker will dazzle everyone’s eyes at the beach.
White cups
with black crossed straps design for the top, echoing the bottom
perfectly. Friends are going to be amazed as they see you jump for
the volleyball on the beach. Your bikini follows your motion and
stays perfectly in place. Enjoy the sunshine and no doubt, you will
become the outstanding spiker!
Now Sunny Spiker, the whole
swimwear is only $24.99, 50% off ,starting from 9:00AM (GMT), 5.15 for 48hours!
Lindo! Adoro as roupas de la